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STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. It is an approach to learning, and development that integrates the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.  It helps children learn key skills including:

Problem Solving



Independent Thinking



Digital Literacy

Critical Analysis​

In Scoil Carmel, we identifed a need to initiate and embed coding as a process in our school. Esentially coding is a creative process that tells a computer program what actions to perform so that you can create a particular outcome, like making a player jump or move in a game. Being able to code is a great skill to have and it is very useful, especially because coding is used in all electronic devices we use every day! Some examples are mobile phones, laptops, televisio and the ticket machine at the Luas stop. Coding faciliates curriculum integration with Maths, English, SPHE and Science being used within one lesson or activity!


We were fortunate to secure a grant from the Department Of Education. The STEM team liased and collaborated with staff to identify recources that could bring STEM to life in an age appropriate way. We chose to purchase Beet Bots, Blue Bots and Lego Spike Essential kits. We had whole school Professional Development in using BeeBots and teachers from other schools joined us to support their learning on how to integrate digital learning in their classrooms. 

We are just starting on our journey with coding, but already from the photos below you can see that the children are actively learning through play and engagement with the Lego Spike Essential kits and Bee Bots! We look forward to charting our journey as we support our children to become digital learners in Scoil Carmel! 

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