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School News

Maths Week 2022

This week in Scoil Carmel, all children will be participating in Maths Week. This is an all-island initiative with an aim to promote positive attitudes towards mathematics and highlighting the importance of maths in our lives. There is further information on Maths Week here

Over the course of the week your child will be engaged in problem solving tasks, maths trails, maths games, daily mental maths challenges and will even be using their maths skills to create art work and 3-D structures! We will be using our ‘maths eyes’ to look around our environment and discover the mathematics that surround us, and that we use every day.

We hope that you and your family can get involved too. There will be fun ‘maths eye’ photos and challenges posted daily on our school website for you to try together as a family at home. Maths Eyes is an initiative encouraging us to take photos of familiar things that capture some aspects of real-life mathematics. They are encouraging families to look locally for inspiring photos. Further details of their family competition are here:

For suggestions on how you can support your child’s maths learning in practical ways throughout the year please visit

(01) 451 4151

©2020 Scoil Carmel Junior National School.

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