We have updated our "Policies" page on the website with our revised "Anti-Bullying Policy" and our new "Managing Behaviours Of Concern Policy". Please click on this link to read them:
Scoil Carmel’s "Anti-Bullying Policy" was reviewed and ratified by the Board Oof Management in line with the Anti Bullying Guidelines, 2013 from the Department Of Education (DE). Last year, the DE published an action plan on bullying called "Cinealtas". All schools will review their Anti-Bullying procedures and policies as "Cinealtas" takes effect.
Our "Behaviour of Concerns Policy" was also ratified at the Board of Management meeting in September. Many thanks to the Parent Focus Group (2 males & 2 females) who gave generously of their time to provide input and feedback in devising this policy.
Both of these policies form part of the Code Of Behaviour Policy, which we are currently reviewing.