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Book Lists

Book Lists 2022/2023

The book bill for Senior Infants and the book lists for 1st and 2nd Class for the school year 2022/ 2023 are available below.


Please speak to the principal or deputy principal in confidence as soon as possible if there is any issue preventing you from covering these costs.

Senior Infant Book Bill

1st Class Book List

2nd Class Book List

The Junior Infant Book Bill will be issued to parents in September. Teachers will purchase all books, copybooks and stationary supplies that the children will need during the year using the payment made by parents via Aladdin.

The Senior Infant Book Bill outlines how the school purchases the books and how we spend the Educational Contribution of €80 using the payment made by parents via Aladdin.


The 1st and 2nd Class Book Lists outline the books and resources you need to purchase for your child before they come to school and how the school spends the Educational Contribution of €80 - which is to be paid via Aladdin to cover the additional costs.

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(01) 451 4151

©2020 Scoil Carmel Junior National School.

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